Board of Directors shall hold a meeting on the fourth Wednesday of each month or the nearest practicable day, except in June,
July and August, and it shall be held prior to the hour fixed for the meeting of the Society if both meetings occur on the
same day. The hour and place for all meetings shall be fixed by the President, who shall also have the power to call special
meetings of the Board whenever he deems them necessary or whenever so requested in writing by five of the Directors. (inconsistent with Constitution Article VIII Meetings Section 3 line 5)
of each of the standing and special committees shall be held whenever called by the respective committee chairman.
of the standing and special committees, excepting only the Committee on Nominations, Prizes, Scholarship, Publicity, Awards
and Wimmer Memorial, shall make a report to the Board of Directors at each of its meetings, including therein a statement
of the work accomplished and any recommendations for the upbuilding of the Society.
Board Meetings I. Roll Call.
II. Reading of the
III. Report of the Executive Secretary.
IV. Report of the Treasurer.
V. Report of the Finance Committee.
VI. Approval of bills and authorization of payment.
VII. Report of Publication Committee.
VIII. Report of Lecture Committee.
Report of House Committee.
X. Report of Committee
on Inspections.
XI. Report of the Membership Committee.
XII. Election of members.
XIII. Report of Engineering Welfare Committee.
XIV. Report of the Committee on Prizes. XV. Report of Special Committees.
XVI. Announcement of the appointment of committees by President.
XVII. General Business.
XVIII. Adjournment.
2. Stated Meetings of the Society
Declaration that letter ballot is closed.
II. Reading
of the Minutes.
III. Announcements by the Executive
IV. Appointment of tellers on letter
V. Annual report of Board of Directors (February
VI. Annual address by the President (Annual
VII. Presentation of prizes for papers
(Annual Meeting).
VIII. Nominations for membership
of the Nominating Committee (May meeting).
IX. Election
of the Nominating Committee (May meeting).
X. Report
of the House Committee on the Annual Meeting (September).
Report of the Nominating Committee (Sept. meeting).
Reports of Special Committees.
XIII. General Business.
XIV. Report of tellers on letter ballot.
XV. Reading of paper and discussion.
XVI. Installation of officers (Annual Meeting).
XVII. Adjournment.
3. Special Meetings of the Society
I. Reading of the call for the meeting.
Business for which the meeting was called.
1. The Annual Dues for Members and for Affiliates of the Society shall be as established by the Board
of Directors. All Members retired prior to December 31, 1990 shall continue to pay one·half of the annual dues.
Board of Directors shall present a report to the Society at the February meeting. This report shall show the work done by
the Society during the twelve months ending on December 31 preceding, and it shall embody the reports of each of the officers
and the chairman of each of standing committees covering the same term.
The retiring President shall make an address at the Annual Meeting reviewing
the progress of municipal engineering work in New York City and the work of the Society.
Executive Secretary shall carefully scrutinize all expenditures and use his best endeavor to secure economy in the administration
of the Society. He shall keep an inventory of all the property or the Society. He sha11 have charge of the Society's rooms
and property and shall supervise and direct the work of employees of the Society under his jurisdiction.
At each meeting or the Membership Committee he shall present all applications
for membership, together with such written information as he shall have received concerning each applicant.
He shall have charge of the books of classified accounts of the Society and
shall furnish the Board of Directors at its monthly meeting with a written statement of receipts and expenses for the month;
at such meetings he shall also submit a list containing the names of members more than three months in arrears for dues, giving
in the case of each member the full period covered by his arrears.
His Books of accounts shall be open to the examination of the Finance Committee or its representative at
all reasonable times.
He shall transmit to the Chairman
of the Finance Committee pending bills which have been incurred by the Society with his certification that they are correct.
He shall prepare the Annual Report or the Board
or Directors.
In this report he shall also show
the property acquired by the Society during the aforesaid period and the total membership and the changes in it during the
year. A copy of the portion of the report showing the financial transactions of the Society shall be delivered to the Chairman
of the Finance Committee at least ten days before the date of the February meeting.
The Treasurer
is authorized to pay the Executive Secretary, upon his order duly countersigned by the Chairman of the Finance Committee such
sums as may be necessary for defraying the necessary small expenses of the Society which cannot be otherwise provided for;
in each case the requisition shall show the items for which the money is required.
He shall also pay monthly the salaries of all regular employees of the Society upon receipt
of a payroll from the Executive Secretary giving the name of the employee and the amount due, the correctness of it being
duly certified by the Executive Secretary and the Chairman of the Finance Committee the former also certifying that the employment
of the persons named and the rate of payment have been regularly authorized by the Board of Directors. All other accounts
shall be paid by him promptly upon the presentation of the bill and notification by the Executive Secretary with his certification
that it is correct and has been approved by the Board of Directors.
Upon payment of a bill or upon making any disbursement authorized by the Constitution or By-Laws he shall
notify the Executive Secretary, giving the date and amount. He shall keep one set of books showing all of the receipts and
disbursements, the date of each, the names of all persons to whom payment is made and the nature of the services or material
paid for. All receipts and vouchers for payment shall be retained by the Treasurer and together with his books shall at all
reasonable times be subject to the inspection of the Finance Committee or its representative.
He shall present a report in writing at each of (he month)y meetings of the Board of
Directors stating the cash balance at the date of the previous report, the receipts and disbursements since that date and
the cash on hand at the date of the meeting. His report shall also show the name of the institution where the balance is deposited.
At the February meeting he shall also present a
statement showing the receipts and disbursements for the twelve months preceding January I and the balance on hand at the
beginning and close of the year. A copy of this report shall be delivered to the Finance Committee at least ten days before
the date of the February meeting.
All checks issued
by the Society shall bear signatures of two of the following three officers: President, Executive Secretary, Treasurer.
Committee on Engineering Welfare shall be composed of five members. It shall be the duty of this Committee to promote the
welfare and professional standing of engineers and to investigate and report on any matters referred to it by the President
or by the Board of Directors.
The Finance Committee shall be composed of at 1east five members.
It shall have general supervision of the financial affairs of the Society and shall advise the Board of Directors as to the
investment of money and the handling of the finances of the Society. It shall examine and submit to the Board of Directors
all bills which have been incurred and which have been presented and shall indicate on each its approval or disapproval. It
shall examine the books of the Executive Secretary and Treasurer at such times as it may deem proper and upon the approval
of the Board of Directors it may employ an expert accountant for this purpose. It shall countersign by one of its
members all requests for payment by the Treasurer and all payrolls of the Society.
It shall submit to the Executive Secretary a written report at the January meeting of the Board
embodying in it a report upon the accounts of the Executive Secretary and Treasurer for the year ending December 31 immediately
preceding. It shall also examine and report to the Board upon the accounts or an outgoing treasurer.
Membership Committee shall be composed of at least five members. It shall develop and implement member recruitment and retention
efforts. It shall carefully consider the qualifications and desirability of all applicants for membership in the Society.
It shall make a report at each monthly meeting of the Board of Directors giving the name, title and place of employment of
each candidate whose application has been examined; it shall also submit the papers connected with each application and a
list of the names of those whom it unanimously recommends for membership. It shall review dues records and contact members
whose dues are overdue by three months. At the January meeting it shall present a report to the Secretary showing the work
accomplished during the year.
The Publication Committee shall consist of at least five
members. It shall have charge of the publication of the Society containing the papers presented during the year and the discussions,
the annual address of the President, the reports upon works visited by the Society during the year and the final reports of
special committees on professional subjects. All such papers and reports shall be placed in its custody by the Executive Secretary
at as early a date as practicable and they shall be revised and edited by the Chairman for publication.
Each paper shall be printed as soon as possible after being presented before
the Society. An opportunity shall be afforded to the authors to review their material before publication.
It shall be empowered to select an advertising agent, subject to the approval
of the Board. All business connected with this publication shall be attended to by this Committee subject to the oversight
and direction of the Board of Directors, except that all sales of the publication shall be made by the Executive Secretary.
All collections of money made by the Committee shall be transmitted promptly to the Secretary with a statement to show its
source, and that officer shall thereupon countersign the receipt given for the payment. The Committee shall transmit to the
Board of Directors at its monthly meeting a report concerning the progress of the work entrusted to it and its annual report
shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary at the January meeting and shall embody a complete statement
of the work done during the year and an account of the money expended and collected by it.
Lecture Committee shall be composed of at least three members. It shall be responsible for the presentation of a technical
paper at each of the stated meetings of the Society and for the stimulation of the discussion. It shall present an annual
report to the Executive Secretary at the January meeting.
The House Committee shall be composed of at least
five members. It shall be the duty of this Committee, under the direction of the Board of Directors, to select a proper place
for holding the monthly meetings of the Society, to supervise the furnishing of the co11ations, to promote the sociabi1ity
of the members and guests attending all meetings and to have charge of the selection and furnishing of the rooms. It shall
also provide opportunities for acquaintance and sociability at all times and places within its discretion and power. It shall
have charge of the arrangements for the Annual Meeting and shall report its recommendations for it to the Board at its May
meeting, and if the Board so directs the Committee shall perfect the arrangements and report upon them in detail to the Board
at the September meeting. It shall present an annual report to the Executive Secretary at the January meeting of the Board.
The President shall appoint a Committee
on Inspections whose duty it shall be to arrange for frequent visits of the members of the Society to various municipal and
other engineering works in progress which will be of interest to the members. This Committee shall be composed of at least
five members of the Society, and shall be empowered to add temporarily to its membership a member of the Society who is connected
or familiar with the work to be visited, such temporary member of the Committee to have no voice in its work except insofar
as it relates to the special visit for which the appointment was made. The Committee shall advise the Executive
Secretary of all visits arranged for and the dates fixed for them, and if they be approved by the Board, the former officer
shall notify the membership at large.
The Committee
sha11 prepare or have prepared a brief account of all works examined and shall transmit it promptly to the Executive Secretary,
who shall deliver it to the Chairman of the Publication Committee for insertion in the publication. The
Committee shall submit a report at each of the monthly meetings of the Board of Directors and shall make an annual report
for presentation to the Executive Secretary at the January meeting.
For the purpose of stimulating a healthy rivalry in the preparation of papers and to encourage members
to present valuab1e data to the Society, the Board of Directors shall appropriate annually a sum of not 1ess than twenty-five
dollars to be used for the purchase of a prize to be given to the writer of the paper deemed by the Committee on Prizes to
be the most meritorious of the year. This prize shall be a scroll, pin or pendant of a design approved by the Society.
The Committee on Prizes shall be composed of at least three
members and shall be appointed by the President, but no member of this Committee shall be a member of the Committee on Publication
or the Lecture Committee. This Committee shall report at an appropriate meeting of the Board of Directors, giving the name
of the author of the paper presented in the preceding calendar year which it deems to be the most meritorious in promoting
engineering knowledge. To the author of this paper the prize fixed by the Board shall be presented at the Annual Meeting of
the Society or at another suitable meeting or function of the Society.
In addition, the Committee of Prizes shall have the jurisdiction over the selection of the Municipal
Project of the Year. This award may be made annually to the appropriate City agency or Authority if the Committee deems a
project worthy of such a high honor. The project must include major substantial input by, and indicate initiative, ingenuity
and engineering skills of City engineers and architects. The selected project must reflect a high quality engineering or architectural
endeavor relating to either a physical structure, infrastructure, a unique study or a concept of a research effort. The Committee
shall report its recommendation at the September or any other appropriate Board of Directors meeting. Suitable certificate(s)
or plaques(s) shall be presented at the Annual Dinner Dance meeting or at any other suitable meeting or function of the society.
The Board of Directors may appropriate annually
a sum to be used for the purchase of suitable cenificate(s) or plaque(s).
The Committee shall also have jurisdiction over the awarding of any other prizes which may be provided
except the Municipal Engineer or Architect of the Year and the Young Municipal Engineer or Architect of the Year Award.
Committee shall nominate the Municipa1 Engineer or Architect of the Year, selected for his/her dedication and outstanding
performance in the promotion and advancement of the various engineering and architectural disciplines employed in the Government
of the City of New York.
This Committee
shall consist of the President of the Society, all those honored in previous years as the Municipal Engineer or Municipal
Architect of the Year who have remained active in the Society by attending at least five meeting in the prior two (2) years
and three (3) members in good standing to be designated by the President of the Society.
The Committee recommendation shall be by majority vote.
The Committee recommendation shall be limited to members in good standing of the Municipal
Engineers of the City of New York.
This Committee shall nominate the Young Municipal Engineer or Architect of the Year,
selected for his/her dedication and outstanding performance in the promotion and advancement of the various engineering and
architectural disciplines employed in the Government of the City of New York.
A Young Engineer or Architect is one who has graduated from an accredited Engineering or Architecture
program and subsequent to graduation has Engineering or Architectural experience for nor less that five (5) nor more than
ten (10) years.
This Committee shall consist of
at least seven members, the majority of whom shall not be members of the Board of Directors. The Committee recommendation
shall be by majority vote. The Committee recommendation need not be limited to members in good standing of the Municipal Engineers
of New York.
Within two weeks after the annual meeting of the Society,
the President shall appoint at least four members and a chairman to the Scholarships Committee. This Committee shall manage
all aspects of the Society's scholarship program (including Peggy Cornell Benline Scholarships). The Committee shall publicize
the scholarships, invite applicants, interview promising applicants and inform the Board of its se1ections, if any, at the
appropriate Board meeting. The Committee shall prepare a press release for distribution by the Publicity Committee. The Executive
Secretary shall be responsible for forwarding the scholarship checks directly to the recipients' colleges. The Committee shall
invite the scholarship recipient(s) to a suitable award function, as the Society's guest, at which appropriate certificate(s)
shall be presented to the recipient(s). The Committee shall submit an annual report to the Executive Secretary at the January
Board Meeting. The report shall embody complete statement or the work done during the year and an accounting of the money
Within two weeks of the annual meeting
of the Society, the President shall appoint at least six members and a Chairman of the Publicity Committee. It shall widely
disseminate to the public, industry, agencies, members and media information concerning all major, activities of the society.
It shall prepare and distribute suitable posters, flyers and press advisory bulletins where appropriate. The Committee shall
submit its annual report at the January Board meering describing it past years' efforts and expenditures.
Within two weeks of the annual meeting of the Society, the President shall
appoint at least five members and a Chairman to the Wimmer Memorial Committee. Its function shall be to organize a major annual
event (special lecture, reception, seminar, forum or panel) to honor Mr. Robert A. Wimmer, a charter member of the Society,
who had bequeathed a generous sum to the Society. At the January Board meeting-, the Committee shall submit it annual report
stating its activities and expenditures.
Application of all candidates
for membership recommended by the Membership Committee shall be submitted to the Board of Directors in session which shall
vote by individual ballot. All information furnished to the Board concerning applicants shall be deemed strictly confidential.
The Chair of the Membership Committee shall report
to the Society at its next meeting the names of all candidates elected by the Board of Directors and an open ballot shall
then be taken to confirm or reject the election.
successful candidate for election shall be notified by the Executive Secretary.
One publication, to be known as the "MUN'ICIPAL ENGINEERS JOURNAL," shall be issued quarter-annually
or as may be indicated by the Board of Directors. As soon after the annual meeting as may be feasible, the Journal shall contain
the Annual Report of the Municipal Engineers of the City of New York and a list of officers and committees for the current
year. The Journal shall, at such times as ordered by the Board of Directors, contain the Constitution, the By-Laws, a list
of members, a list of all past officers, and a list of the authors who have won the Society prizes each year. The Constitution,
By-Laws, List of Members, List of Officers and Committees and the Annual Report shall be edited by the Executive Secretary.
The list of members shall be arranged alphabetically, and shall give the full name of the member, his/her title, the
names of the department and borough with which he/she is connected, and his/her home and business addresses.
The Journal shall contain the annual address of the President. the final reports
of all special committees appointed to investigate professional subjects. and, within the discretion of the Publication Committee,
the papers, discussions and descriptions of works visited by the Society.
badge of the Society shall be an enameled gold button, pin or pendant bearing the name of the Society and the Seal of the
City of New York or a portion thereof. Badges will be presented to all new members.
Upon application by any member to the Executive Secretary and the payment of the costs thereof,
the Society shall issue an embossed certificate of membership signed by its President and Executive Secretary. This certificate
shall give the name of the member, the date of his membership and the date of issue. Any member expelled from the Society
shall at once return his certificate to the Secretary.
The Board of Directors shall appoint the employees of the Society and fix
the salaries or other compensations of all officers and employees.
The Board of Directors shall prescribe and
adopt forms for the transaction of all current business of the Society.
Adopted by the Board of Directors July 8, 1903 and approved by the Society September
30, 1903.
Amended - November 19, 1975
adopted by the Board of Directors September 12, 1990 and approved by the Society January 23. 1991.